Review of Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear by Max Lucado

Imagine a life without fear.

Free from the fear of natural disasters, job loss, sickness, rejection an_200_360_Book.72.coverd worrying about disappointing God, according to Max Lucado, we can.

We are living in fearful times, with many everyday challenges to our peace of mind. Max’ newest book "Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear" is fifteen chapters of fear busting support. That support, for me, was in the form of reminders of God goodness, even in difficult situations.

Max capitalizes on his ability to tell a story to bring that point home; it is the reason he is one of my favorite authors. His pastoral touch weaves God’s compassion throughout each chapter of Fearless. I never feel I’m being “preached at” while reading the stories, life examples or Scriptures he uses. Instead, I feel encouraged and empowered to “war against fear” and run into God’s presence.

I was moved by the stories and how they touched base with my own struggles with fear. Those struggles need a healthy dose of reality or as Max says in Fearless, counterbalanced with long looks at God’s accomplishments. Those reminders of “good news” are just what we need to fight against fear. They build our faith and faith is the opposite to fear.

In chapter one, Max has this statement which seems so simple but to me is a powerful truth.

“Fear may fill or world, but it does not have to fill our hearts”

If Christ is filling our heart…there is no room for fear. In leading my family in their battles against fear, this book will be a valuable resource. It already has fostered many discussions in my home and I would highly recommend for your personal library.

Don’t let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, and trust also in me. John 14:1


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