How Sonship Shapes a Man's Identity


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The-Dr.-Vibe-Show-Info-For-Black-Men-And-Those-Who-Love-Them copyHad a great opportunity to be interviewed by my new friend and brother, Dr. Vibe last night on his very popular DR. Vibe Show. You have to check out his site and log on to one of his broadcasts, always engaging and informative and sure to bless.

The subject matter is one I'm passionate about, men discovering their true identity and the threats against them. When a man loses his identity he also loses his sense of purpose, he loses his way and surrenders his heart to lesser things. An orphan slave/mentality will lead us off course; we grow distant from the Father in every way imaginable. Moreover, IF we are distant to the Father’s heart then every heart entrusted to us will feel the same effect.

Father God did not battle for our hearts to turn us into slaves or worker drones. He didn’t leave us as orphans, no He sent Jesus to redeem us and make it possible to have a deep relationship with Him. Jesus shows us how it done…what sonship looks like.

1 John 3:1 says this….

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

What this Scripture says to me is that the world doesn’t have a clue what a son looks like but it doesn’t know the Father. So, it doesn’t matter what the world says, or our past, or the enemy says about our identity…God calls us (not merely a title, but a legal status) His sons!

Sonship continues to be God’s best strategy to rescue our identity.

We need to see ourselves as sons… and to understand the fullness of the love of the Father for us. It’s the transformation of the way we think, the renewing of our mindset and our hearts.

Sonship speaks this into a man… Identity and Purpose

Identity = Significance, value, worth, importance, answers the question of
“Who am I?”

This is the heart of who you are

Sonship solidifies that identity and freedom flows from the relationship we share with Father God.

Purpose = Direction, focus, motivation, design, answers the question
“Why am I here?”

This is the heart of your mission

Sonship corrects and directs the steps of a man; it aligns his spirit with Father God’s and prepares it for action. Sonship convinces a man that he was made for something greater than himself.

Your true identity is not what you project, not what you show off…our manhood, our masculinity is based on who God says we are

These are just some of the thoughts we touched on last night for more watch the replay of last night's Dr.Vibe show with me and cast of characters who love God and helping other men.

Follow Dr.Vibe on Twitter @drvibeshow



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