Internet Monkness




Well folks if I haven't proven my "giftedness" to yet, this video may just push you over the edge. I started doing these little videos as an introduction to my sermons and then playing them on Facebook for my fellow church goers. Of course I felt the great need to share the lunacy with the rest of here is the latest message from the Internet Monk. God bless ya!



Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." Psalm 126:2

By the way...the order of the Internet Monk is always open to join! Just send me a pic of you in a hoodie or on my Facebook wall and we're good to go! Tags: ,,


floyd said…
Great lesson. It's always about action, isn't it? "As oft as ye eat... and drink... this do in remembrance of Me." I've been wondering if this isn't every time we eat or drink... Me thinks it is...
RickD335 said…
I'll get around to the picture later; you *do* know there is a blog called "The Internet Monk", right?
Jay Cookingham said…
Remembering who He is every moment dude...absolutely! Bless ya bro'!
Jay Cookingham said…
OH NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!!!!! Nope, didn't really know...but I assure you, there's no MONKey business!

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