I’m Toast


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“Sleep! I feel the need of it. Yet my axe is restless in my hand. Give me a row of orc-necks and room to swing and all weariness will fall from me!”
- Gimli (Lord of the Rings)

Here is another raw and rambling post, are you ready? I have slept only about five hours in four days…my brain and body feel like petrified wood. This, as you can imagine, has a huge effect on my sanity and my spirit. I have bordered on going into a deep blue funk, which is no fun for anyone near me. My introspection has been intense and not exactly pleasant…this form of comparison “shopping” I fail at every time.

Some of this is tied to the season I find myself in and the step of faith I am taking. (Read Stepping out here) I know that God is working on me and that is a good thing. So, while I feel like toast at the moment…I know Father God will refresh me as I wade in the waters of His grace. So, I would love to share a poem I wrote a few years ago, I’m hoping it’ll encourage you as it did me today. Oh yeah, the quote above…interesting isn’t it? Seems like someone needs a fight….hmmmmm?

More on that tomorrow….

The Slow Rain of Promise

I roam a wasteland of desires
Seeking to plant heaven seeds
The dry and dust everywhere

A fresh breeze of Spirit choosing
disturbs the parchness with hope

Bitter crust gives up its hold
Fertile soil reveals its depth as
The slow rain of promise falls

Jay Cookingham © November 25, 2003


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