You Know You're a Dad When

1. Your suits go from looking like they came from Brooks Brothers to looking like they came from the Marx Brothers.

2. Your garage becomes an unofficial warehouse for Toys R Us.

3. During potty training, the football terms ?end run? and ?backfield in motion? take on a whole new meaning.

4. You give up watching football to watch someone called ?Spongebob Squarepants?.

5. Sleeping is all relative?depending on all the small relatives in your house sleeping.

6. The EPA declares your clothes a biohazard after ?sharing lunch? with your 2 year old.

7. You take on all the characteristics of a pack mule on family outings.

8. Your clothes become ?costumes? for pint size ?actors? living in your house.

9. Action figures and former food items find their way into your
shoes, pockets and pillows.

10. You say ?Did you go potty?? so often, that your kids think it?s their nickname.


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