Are You Game? Disturbed Edition

cheetosbutton300-150x150 I have posted part of this before (read more spiritual version here) Today's post is part of Duane Scott's madness he affectingly  calls: Pleasantly Disturbed Thursdays. Head on over and read some really disturbed stuff.


Growing up in a rural area in upper NY State, I was exposed to rare culinary…uhm, treats. One of the more common entrées was the fuzzy gray speed bump known as the squirrel. My father hunted for them often, which never seemed much of a challenge to me since our cat had no problem catching one in our backyard. However, my father would come back from hunting with a few and act like it was from some dangerous safari expedition. Our cat would just drop one at the front door and be done with it, all the while looking at my father with pity. No, eating them would prove to be a far greater challenge.

Since we were quite poor, squirrel graced our table frequently, along with rabbit, pheasants and venison. My Mom’s squirrel stew was enough to place the little gray rodent on the endangered species list. That is, your species was very much in danger if you ate too much of it.

I have learned through the years that there are some disturbing side-affects for eating so much game meat. Here are just a few that I have observed.

A great desire to raid neighbors bird feeders and to run back and
forth in front of passing cars.

I have seven kids, enough said.

A deep fear of being under glass enclosures.

The phrase, “Passing the buck” brings up past feelings of rejection.
Don’t even bring up Bambi.


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nancy said…
what a good story you bring.
and i love your sense of humor.
HisFireFly said…
If only you could the smile on my face right now! Thank you.. I truly needed this today.
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Nancy! Nice of you to drop by...God bless!
Jay Cookingham said…
Sister, if my crazy humor can brighten your day a bit...then we are both blessed!
Glynn Young said…
Well, now we know where the bad sheep puns come from.

Growing up in the Deep, Deep South, it wasn't squirrels. it was armadillos. And why did the chicken cross the road?

To prove to the armadillo that it could be done.
Jay Cookingham said…
LOL Bro'...thanks for dealing with my humor with humor!
jasonS said…
Ha! Love it. We used to eat squirrel, rabbit, and all that too. I think we only ate squirrel a couple times and my dad swore the best was squirrel gravy. I didn't see it. Still don't! Thanks for the great smile today, Jay!
Jay Cookingham said…
Squirrel stew was my mom's "best" dish....yeeeech! Appreciate ya dropping by bro'
Linda Yezak said…
Oh, this is too funny! Although my mother taught me how to shoot, my husband taught me how to hunt around twenty years ago--and I've been enduring/creating culinary curiosities ever since. :D
Jay Cookingham said…
Linda, You do have to acquire the taste for wild game cooking...but my mom, God bless her, couldn't cook to save her life. I think the best meal she made was spam...which I prefer to squirrel any day!
S. Etole said…
laughing ... still ...
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks too!
Billy Coffey said…
Oh man, I love me some squirrel!
Jay Cookingham said…
Billy, not the way my Mom cooked them!
Claudia said…
i like squirrels a lot - but not for food...
Jay Cookingham said…
OH...I agree, believe me! Thanks for commenting!

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