2o Years of Dance


sarah - horse 2010 copy

Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music.
~ William Stafford

It was a sunny, cold fall day and my life was about to change radically and powerfully. At 6:32 in the morning a little princess decided to dance into my life and basically ruin me (in a good way) for life. My daughter Sarah has ruined me for ordinary moments for there has been none with her. I was already a young father, her older brother Joshua born just 15 months prior, had already changed the man I was. This was different…I now have a daughter! Could a man like me raise a daughter? Will she even like me? (That seem unlikely at the beginning) It was too late, I was smitten and all I could do was love her.

Sarah’s wonderful gift of herself was deposited into my life to make me a better father. I became a gentler version of what I thought I should be, she helped me become more like Jesus. In her I sense the strength of her mom mingled with the stubbornness of her dad, all softened by her quiet spirit. Yet, it’s her love for life that I admire, her expression of worship towards her Father God that brings me to tears (even now as I'm writing this).

Sarah is a persistent beauty…she brings beauty into her relationships, her talents and abilities and how she loves us all. Her life is a dance, a wonderful blend of emotions, giftedness and love and I am blessed to see her spin every day.

There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.  ~John Gregory Brown

Happy Birthday Princess!
Love, Daddy

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Dusty Rayburn said…
Daughters definitely change our lives.
MichaelDPerkins said…
We don't have any daughters, but if we did she would melt our heart.

Happy birthday Sarah.
Jay Cookingham said…
Michael, they sure do...they sure do...thanks bro'
Jay Cookingham said…
My life was not the same the day she was born or my other daughter Becky as well. I'm glad about that my friend...thanks!
jasonS said…
What a wonderful tribute. I don't know what I'd be like without my daughter either. What a blessing!
HisFireFly said…
And there is indeed gold runnign through your words tonight Jay!
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Karin...God is good and I'm blessed with a wonderful daughter to write about!
Jay Cookingham said…
They do have a way to get into our hearts, don't they? Thanks Jason!
bill (cycleguy) said…
DWTS "ain't got nothing" on someone who truly knows how to dance. I have two girls (now adults) and while I had always wanted a boy, I would never trade one moment for all the boys in the world. To still hear their words and to see their dance is a reminder to me of a powerful loving Father who was more than adequate to meet their needs.
Jay Cookingham said…
Amen to that Bill...I love how God supplies us with what we need to love our kids. Bless you bro'
Tony Alicea said…
This is so wonderful, Jay. Thanks for sharing. Happy Birthday Sarah!
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Tony, appreciate you bro'

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