Settling for the Explainable – Guest Post by Ryan Tate



Ryan Tate over at Doorframes of TaterHouse is a brother from another mother as I like to say!. His blog is on my "you must read daily list" and I'm always encouraged or challenge by his insight. Today he honored me by writing a guest post that I’m sure will bless you!

Since the Adam and Eve, people have been trying to find ways to save themselves. They’ve tried to enter the presence of God in ways that make sense to them, instead of listening to what God says. We’ve limited God to our finite senses and logical explanations that are easy for us to manage. But God doesn’t work within the confines of our senses or our logical explanations. He works within the unexplainable.

In his book Forgotten God, Francis Chan said he doesn’t want to live a life that is explainable without the Holy Spirit. If his life makes sense to him (or to others) than a red flag should go up. They same thing should true for us. Bells and whistles should ring loud when our lives start to become explainable.

Explainable means there is no difference between what your life looks like and what the world looks like. If our lives fit right into the patterns of the world we have ceased to be unexplainable. This includes everything: how we manage our money, how we raise our children, how we give, how we pray, how we are attractive and unattractive to others, how we choose a career, what we value, what we crave, what we say, how we worship, what we worship, everything. Nothing is off limits for God. Nothing about you is worthless to Him, so don’t let it be explainable without Him.

Jesus came preaching about a kingdom. Somewhere along the lines we replaced “kingdom” with “culture”. Kingdom seemed too militaristic and authoritative for us. It was too harsh of word for the language of our time to deal with. The switch seemed harmless to most. A culture of Christianity sounds nice, doesn’t it? We wouldn’t want to be offensive or judgmental by using the word kingdom too much. Christian culture is what we should be striving for right? But the real dilemma is that the central focus shifted along with the word change. You see, kingdom implies a “King” and culture implies a “people”. A culture of people is much easier to explain than a kingdom with a King. People can live inside a culture and be comfortable and explainable with everyone else around them. But to live inside in a kingdom with a reigning King is quite a different perspective.

Many don’t want to admit they follow a King and live Kingdom-minded. The Kingdom of God has an agenda, and it does not share the values and agendas of other kingdoms. The Kingdom of God is full of subjects that live unexplainable lives outside the realm of the world, yet fully in the world. The unexplainable happens when and where the Kingdom of God is on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6:10). We have to commit ourselves to finding and creating those places where heaven overlaps with earth. That is where the Kingdom of God exists. That is where the unexplainable exists.

I’ll ask you this question: what is the mark of those who follow
Christ as their King?

I think it starts with regarding the voice of God as food. Man does not live by bread alone, right? But we live by every word of God. Try explaining that to your non-believing co-worker.

The Kingdom of God is not what we expect. It never was and it never will be. If we are not desperate for the voice of God we will settle for anything else. We will settle for the explainable.

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Dusty Rayburn said…
"Nothing is off limits for God. Nothing about you is worthless to Him, so don’t let it be explainable without Him."

"Man does not live by bread alone, right? But we live by every word of God."


God has really been working on me to bring me to a point of higher dependence upon Him. I am unsure where He is leading me, but I am sure of Him and choose to trust Him fully.
Jay Cookingham said…
"Jesus came preaching about a kingdom. Somewhere along the lines we replaced “kingdom” with “culture”."

Ryan, that is the truth. Kingdom talk will disturb people and it should. We serve a King who loves us and wants to rescue a dying people. Since our King gave up His life for us...I believe that is our response...laying our lives down for the Kingdom.

Easier said than done, I know....
jasonS said…
Excellent as always, Ryan. I agree with you. I can't live an explainable life. I've tasted too much of the Kingdom to go back and be satisfied. Thank you.
Ryan Tate said…
Dusty, I believe that God is always testing the trust of those closest to Him. And radical trust is a trust that is firm despite a lack of information. Sounds like what you are going through is Biblical!
Ryan Tate said…
Jay, thanks again for honoring me with allowing me to write here on your blog. You are the MAN!

"Laying down your life for the Kingdom" - I am the first to admit that I am guilty of not doing that. I am a wretched man!
Ryan Tate said…
Thanks Jason, great point! You hit a nail on the head, brother. I am completly unsatisfied with my worldly life. I find no fulfillment in it at all. And I don't want to be like a dog returning to his vomit. I will not settle for that.
Tony Alicea said…
Come on man, this is awesome! This is my heart's cry! I lived way too long trying to fit God into my life when all the while He's been inviting me into His story.

If we live a life of the Kingdom, EVERYTHING will look different. Our families, our relationships, our friendships, like you we handle everything. Right on Ryan, I love this exhortation!
Ryan Tate said…
Tony, you couldn't be more right. We are formed by the story. THE Story. HIS Story. We need to live Story-formed lives. We are just the supporting cast. This changes our view of life as we know it. You are speaking my language brother!

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