Pause and Be Still


Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

Soulfari will be quiet for a few days (hopefully I will be also). As I pause and reflect on some questions about my life I have, my blog being one of them. I write my blog hoping to be an encouraging presence in a very dark world. Sometimes I'm too transparent, maybe not enough at other times…I’m not sure.

It’s a good place I find myself in but I need clarity…so, for a few days (?) I’ll be quiet and so will Soulfari. Blessings, Jay

Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people. - Albert Einstein

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Dusty Rayburn said…
Praying with and for you during the silence. May God make your next step apparent.
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Dusty, I do appreciate it!
Jay Cookingham said…
Michael, thank is much appreciated.
jasonS said…
Always praying with you, Jay. You are such a blessing and encouragement. I know God is leading and guiding you perfectly. Blessings...
Jay Cookingham said…
Jason...much appreciated my brother...thank you!
Bill (cycleguy) said…
Will continue praying for you my friend over the next few days. Look forward to hearing what God teaches you.
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks so much Bill, I am appreciating all the prayer support!
Tony Alicea said…
I'm standing with you Jay. Praying God gives you the clarity and direction that you are seeking. You are a blessing, friend!
Jay Cookingham said…
I soooo appreciate your support bro'...I really do! Bless you!
*~Michelle~* said…
Praying with you....and for you, my friend.

May the chaos cease and as the dust settles......I pray you hear the Lord loud and clear in your quiet place.
Jay Cookingham said…
Bless you for your prayer support...God is speaking and I am resting in His care. Thanks Michelle!
LLusito said…
I love the Einstein quote!

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