
"One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested."
— E. M. Forster

“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14

Two reflections today…One, I’m feeling overwhelmed with the goodness of God and with a growing awareness of my passions. So, let my words be few and maybe you’ll share this reflection with me today. Here is a poem I wrote a few years back…


Where does passion go?
It leaves in the drip
of the mundane
The ooze of whispering
The allowable choices of
letting the dust settle
too often
Cooling the fire
in my blood
Echoes of such burning
into a kind of blue
And dreams flicker
Like candlelight

Jay Cookingham 2005

May our zeal for you never fade and the burning desire to follow hard after you never grow cold. Stoke the passion for your presence, blow upon the flames of our heart so that we are consumed by your love. Let this be the motivation of our hearts, that we are a people called by your name, ready to obey and move in your purposes for your glory. – Amen

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Tony Alicea said…
LOVE the poem! Passion is so central to the way I live my life. I'm an "all in" kind of guy. I don't like to do anything halfway. I believe it is completely due to passion. Your poem nails what happens when passion fades and the mundane comes in. Dull, boring, life-less, lukewarm. Yuck!
Dustin said…
Jay this was great. Thanks for sharing!
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Dustin! Appreciate you bro'
Jay Cookingham said…
Passivity sucks doesn't it bro'? Thanks Tony, I can tell you're a "alive" type of man!
jasonS said…
Amen. We stir up those passions and may He be glorified! Thanks Jay.
Jay Cookingham said…
YES! For His Kingdom and Glory! Thanks Jason!
bill (cycleguy) said…
Thanks for the prayer and the quote Jay. I want to live my life full of passion not with warmed-up leftovers. Have a great weekend.
Dusty Rayburn said…
May our zeal never fade... may the mundane never be enough... may we relish in the exceptional filling of His Spirit as we walk the paths He has laid for us.
Jay Cookingham said…
Amen Bill, I'm with you! Have an awesome weekend!
Jay Cookingham said…
That's what I'm talking about bro' Thanks Dusty!
seekingpastor said…
Good words--I encounter sooooo many people with misplaced passions. And they seem content to stay there.
S Etole said…
Saying a hearty "Amen" to your prayer.
Jay Cookingham said…
Yeah, I've seen that attitude too Matt...somewhere in my past unfortunately (or fortunately?). I'm glad the Holy Spirit can guide our passions towards Kingdom things! Thanks Bro'
Nikki said…
I like the statement 'alive' type of man. I'm a really passionate gal, so much so sometimes I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. But what I LOVE about being passionate is that it does make me feel so ALIVE! :o) I makes this life worth living! And then of course when the passions are directed towards Kingdom things it brings that much more fullness to being Alive In Christ!
Jay Cookingham said…
Absolutely Nickey...that's the way Christ wants us to be...ALIVE! Thanks!

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