


Sad Tragic Ugly Fears and Failures…

We all have STUFF. Events that try to define us, wreck us, disrupt our walk, maim us and stunt our growth. STUFF that seeks to snuff out life from our dreams, derail our faith and slowly try to destroy who we were meant to be.

The problem with STUFF is that we often stuff it deep down inside of us…where it festers…it can become a deadly poison.

I have a STUFF list…you probably have one also. My list includes…

The loss of two babies…
My wife’s heart attack…
My childhood of abuse…
My failures…

This list haunts us, stalks us and lies to us…trying its best to discourage us from believing that we were meant for greatness…created to make a difference and fashioned for God’s delight.

I was thinking about my STUFF the other day…and I rejoiced! Why? Because God has my STUFF covered…although STUFF may mark us, even scar us…

…I am healed! (Isaiah 53:5)
…I am a new creation! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
…I am more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37)
…I am a child of God! (John 1:12)

My encouragement is this…don’t let STUFF creep in…throw that list on the altar of the Father’s love…believe that He has your STUFF covered.

He does...He really does.

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bill (cycleguy) said…
R.O.T.M.  (Right On The Money) Jay.  Thanks for being open and encouraging the same.  but better yet, thanks for offering THE solution.
HisFireFly said…
Oh what truth here...
Tony Alicea said…
Amen and amen. Thank you Jay. I can't read the truth of His word over my life enough times!
Jay Cookingham said…
Amen to that my brother! Thanks!
Jay Cookingham said…
We so need to hear the voice of truth...over and over! Thanks bro'
Jay Cookingham said…
Appreciate that Karin...bless ya!
Jay Cookingham said…
I.R.T.U (I really thank you) Bless you bro'
Gary said…
This one goes in the archives.  All the more provoking as I re-listen to Eldredge's "Walking the Dead" series.Friend just lost a son on duty, a cop who had just come back on the force after a near fatal injury.  Now there is one big item in  the  STUFF.  I  think I  can forward this to him.
Jay Cookingham said…
I be praying for your buddies Gary...thanks for dropping by!
jasonS said…
Joining in the amen chorus. So happy He saw my weakness and needs, sin and failures and still loved me enough to send Jesus on my behalf. Talk about amazing love! Thanks Jay.
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks for adding your voice to the chorus my brother...it is indeed amazing love our Father has for us!
cindy holman said…
Amen to that brother!  So glad.

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