Dream Breeze


hatteras2008 014 “Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.” - Eliza Tabor

“You know well enough how the wind blows this way and that. You hear it rustling through the trees, but you have no idea where it comes from or where it's headed next. That's the way it is with everyone 'born from above' by the wind of God, the Spirit of God." John 3:8 The Message

For a visionary guy like me; disappointments seem to be a close companion to the whole casting vision thing. You get a vision, you work on a dream and sometimes they don’t turn out the way you hoped they would…you get disillusioned…perhaps you think about giving up your dream…I know I have.

My spirit gets restless…I feel drained, spent. I look at promises through lenses of doubt and my hope seems blocked…stuck…dry.

What we need is a dream breeze…

We need a flow of God’s grace that awakens; refreshes and invigorates our sensitivity to His leading. We need to feel the cool against the skin of our dream, easing the sweat of our own effort to make it come true. Sometimes our dreams become stagnant because we try to define them instead of seeking vision refinement from the Father. By faith we open the windows of heaven with worship, acknowledging not the dream but the dream giver. At His feet, in His presence our dreams and visions are nourished and refined.

If you feel like your dream is dead, consider this (I had to)…perhaps it was never truly alive. Because apart from Him…they’re not! Many make dreams their life pursuit instead of a passionate following of the Father…no wonder many dreams die before they even take flight. Don’t get me wrong…I like dreams. I believe following dreams is important and to a certain degree, we need them. However, dreams are not reliable…but God is. Dreams are not forever…but God is. Dreams come to an end…God’s loves for us does not.

A dream breeze is a relational thing; it fans the connection between us and God. A breeze invites closeness; we’re drawn to it like a shade tree on a hot summer’s day. A dream breeze brings change…much more than just shaking the dust off or encouraging us. The Holy Spirit blows across ours and we become alive in ways that disappointments can’t touch. This breeze is a holy moment, bringing us closer to His heart.

Dreams are born there…

So...have your dreams disappointed you lately? How can I pray for you?


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"If you feel like your dream is dead, consider this (I had to)…perhaps it was never truly alive."
A good thing to remember. Or maybe it's just not ready to be born.

I love the thought of a dream breeze--fanning the flame. 
Cindy Holman said…
Great thoughts here - that's a good point about the dream never being truly alive is it seems dead.  Sometimes we want God to bless something WE dreamt up.  And it wasn't from Him at all.  Hard lessons to learn and sometimes I've had to give up on the ones that were not from Him.
bill (cycleguy) said…
I go along with Sandra on this Jay: I love the idea of a dream  breeze.  Have to admit that at this point, I am not sure if there is a dream.being born right now. Life has a way of wiping out the dream (at least for awhile).  I need that breeze.
Jay Cookingham said…
Bill, my heart goes out to you because I know how that feels! My prayer for you is that you feel the refreshing breeze of His love today. Pastors have a tough gig and you listen to so many other people's dreams and when your own is being questioned....that has to be hard. You are in my prayers my brother...bless you for serving Him so well.
Jay Cookingham said…
So true Cindy and if you're anything like me...I dream a lot of things up! Hard lessons true...but loving ones as well.
Jay Cookingham said…
Not ready to born is the case for a lot of dreams and when we are patient, the fulfillment of those dreams is so sweet! Great thought Sandra, thanks for sharing!
Dusty Rayburn said…
I have never been much of a dreamer. People look to me for leadership, but my desire is to be a follower. I guess you could say I dream of being where He wants me when He wants me there.

I do get discouraged in that pursuit... sometimes because of my failings; sometimes because of opposition... in those instances I depend on that breeze from the Holy Spirit to find my footing and maintain my stand.
Jay Cookingham said…
That's a great insight my firend...the dream of following hard after Him is a great one. My prayer for you bro' is that you will realize the full extent of your influence and see all God has used you for. Not for pride sake but for a sense of how much the Father is pleased with you His son...I know He is. Bless ya!
jasonS said…
Jay, I definitely feel what you're saying because every time I take my eyes off the Dream Giver and focus so much on my dream, I get worn out quickly. Great reminder. I'm learning this once again with trying to build a business. This business is not my provider or sustainer, but He can use it in His timing as I trust in Him. Thanks again, Jay.
Jay Cookingham said…
Dude that is so right on the money...our eyes need to stay focused on Him...all the time! Bless ya Jason!
S. Etole said…
I think I need more than a breeze, Jay ... it's been a difficult summer.
Jay Cookingham said…
Susan I am hopeful that the mighty (but gentle) wind of the Holy Spirit uplifts and carries you through this difficult time...my prayers are with you!

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