Honoring Mom
Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30
I have touched on my life growing up in an abusive home (See a Nearby God) the rather sad part is that I never was allowed to get close to my mom. All through my life God has supplied "substitute dads” for me, helping me heal from the wound of fatherlessness. I’ve also have had wonderful spiritual moms who have filled that void in my life but the best gift has been my wife.
It is her example of “Momness” to my children that has healed that picture the most. Being a mom to seven is not an east task, my wife has filled that calling with grace and beauty…it has been a joy to watch. I’m a better father because of her example of sacrifice and care and our children are blessed.
The following is from a Mother-Son Banquet that my wife and I spoke at for a local church in our community last summer. My wife addressed the mothers and I got to challenge the young men and boys (and even some men). It was a blast to minister with my wife in such a setting but it was also a bit bittersweet.
I was wishing my mom was there…she passed away the same week my first child was born (21 yrs ago). If fact, I went to her wake the same day Josh was born…that was a strange day indeed. I say all that as a reminder that time is short. To encourage all to take the time to honor your mom this Sunday…maybe even before….and after…how about always?
To any and all Moms…Happy Mother’s Day!
You know, moms teach you all kinds of great things.
Things Mom Taught Me
- My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION... the importance of waiting
All she would have to say is …"Just wait until your father gets home."
- My Mother taught me HUMOR... when I would mow the lawn in my sandals
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
- My Mother taught me about my ROOTS...you know, where I came from
“Jay, close that door, do you think you were born in a barn?"
Yep, Moms are great, they teach, they guide, they love us, but what do they deserve in return? That’s what I want to share with you today. It’s the word…honor.
Honor is a great word, it means respect, admiration and to me its means love.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise), So that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
It’s a commandment but it’s also a call to a deeper relationship.
When a son shows honor towards his mom it is one of the greatest acts of love he can show. Honor is much more than obedience; it’s realizing who your mom is and who created her. We honor the position (mom) because of the person (insert your mom’s name here) and receive a promise (long life that goes well).
I have a secret for you today….Your mom is God’s daughter! Believe it or not she is not just a cook, a taxi driver, a shoulder to cry on or someone who cleans your clothes. She is a princess in the Kingdom of God. WOW!
How can we show honor? Here are three ways.
- Love your mom unconditionally.
Telling your mom you love her, showing your mom you love her and telling others about the great mom you have. All speak loudly of your honor for her.
- Listen to your mother.
I’m not talking about obedience; I’m talking about taking the time to listen to your mom and what is on her mind. What she may be feeling or worried about. Everyone needs to know their family loves them enough to hear them out.
- Praying for your mother.
This is huge! Pray for health, pray for her walk with Jesus. Pray for her marriage. Pray for her friendships. Tell her that you’re praying for her, it’ll be a blessing.
It’s because of relationship that we honor, because we love, because we cherish the person behind the position. Its appreciation mixed with love and respect…that helps us be obedient. The promise is a long life, how long I can’t tell you. This I can tell you, that life will be blessed, your relationship with your mom will be blessed (and your Dad by the way).
Caryjo...I'm glad you have a restored relationship with your Mom. God is good!