How Low Can You Go?


“Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”

(14) “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?”

(15) The commander of the LORD’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.”
Joshua 5:13-15

“As worship begins in holy expectancy, it ends in holy obedience. Holy obedience saves worship from becoming an opiate, an escape from the pressing needs of modern life.” - Richard Foster

Today I’m wondering if I am low enough…if my face is truly planted on the ground of obedience and love before my King. You see, I’m still wrestling with thoughts and feelings that I shared in my post “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and I think a little face planting might be in order. I want Him to have ALL of me.

I hear Jesus say…Jay, come follow me.

Do you?


Tony Alicea said…
Face plant is a good way to think about it. There's a lyric that I love from a Christian rock band that goes "the floor is more fitting for my face". One of my favorite lines.
Jay Cookingham said…
Underoath? Thanks for dropping bro'
MichaelDPerkins said…
Jay do you listen to them? Because they are rad.
Jay Cookingham said…
Well...just a little...I listen to a lot of different music and "Screamo" is not my fav but I have to listen when no one else is home...or they stare at me.
Tony Alicea said…
Seriously my mouth is hanging open right now. You just won so many cool points for knowing that band...even if you don't regularly listen to them.
Jay Cookingham said…
Us old dawgs get around bro'
Dustin said…
Great quote from Richard Foster. Is that from "Celebration of Discipline"?
Jay Cookingham said… least I believe so. I have that book and the one on Prayer...great stuff!
Dusty Rayburn said…
Ok now I have to go find some Underoath. *sigh*
Dusty Rayburn said…
Face planting and following God above and instead of self... sounds like a common theme and need.
jasonS said…
Totally agree. This is a time for worship and adoration. When we're in our proper position giving Him proper honor, we'll finally see Him in proper perspective. Praying with you, Jay. I appreciate you.
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Jason...this is a great position to be in...face down that is! I appreciate your friendship bro'
Jay Cookingham said…
Your right Dusty...I think God is asking that of all His people. Bless ya!
Jay Cookingham said…
It's pretty wild and load bro'
S Etole said…
how does the saying go? in life ... position is everything ... especially when you are on your knees
Jay Cookingham said…
So true sister, so true...prayer is a great position!
Caryjo said…
I struggle with this very part of lifel. I read so much about others who did so much better than I... George Muller, John Hyde, Hudson Taylor, Rees Howells. Oh, to be less "me" focused and more, and more "Him" focused.
Jay Cookingham said…
I'm sure all those giants of the faith had their moments as well...but I echo that desire!

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