

I wrote this poem a year ago during Lent, considering the pilgrimage I
am on right now...I believe it fits. I hope it blesses you.


I bow my head in reverence,
not in shame.

I kneel humbly in homage,
not in fear.

What I give up in surrender
is small.

What I gain in surrender
is without measure.

Repentance sorrow is
met with mercy.

A heavy heart is caressed
with hope.

More than need or want,
is the desire for redemption

That makes an everyday pilgrimage
real in my heart.

Jay Cookingham 2010 ©

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew
a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

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HisFireFly said…
"What I gain in surrender is without measure"
Beautifully said and what He is teaching me more and more each day!
I used Psalm 51 in a post yeasterday - and pray that He does indeed give us clean and pure hearts!
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Karin! I'm glad that I'm not on this pilgrimage alone, seems like more than a few of His children are going through a similar thing.
Dustin said…
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Jay!
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Bro'...appreciate that!
Ken said…
Thank you for sharing this nice poem. Blessings
Jay Cookingham said…
Thanks Ken...sure do appreciate the comment! Bless ya!
Tony Alicea said…
Everyday pilgrimage...I like that.
jasonS said…
How do we ever convince ourselves that what we're giving up is too difficult or too much? Something's not right in that! Thanks Jay. Great encouragement here.
Jay Cookingham said…
So true bro...I know I've tried! Bless you Jason.

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