And the Winner is….


a man cvr_I'm not having a prime time one hour special to announce the winner of the free book giveaway (like some narcissistic basketball free agent). Nope, not my style! 

The winner of  “A Man After God's Heart: The Honor of Fatherhood.” is....drum roll please...Jason Stasyszen!...confetti and balloons rush the stage....etc, etc.

Jason is the host of  the blog Endless Impact and the pastor of Breakthrough Church in Juneau, AK. Head on over to his site today and read more about what God is doing in his life.

Congratulations Jason!

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jasonS said…
WooHoo! Thank you so much, Jay. I can't wait to read it. You are a source of constant encouragement. :)
Jay Cookingham said…
Appreciate that bro'

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