Free Book Giveaway

This is my first free book giveaway and I want you to win…well, at least one of you! This book is special to me for several reasons.
First, it’s an excellent collection of stories by dad’s for dads, it’s a real encouraging book and makes a great gift. Secondly…I’m in it (on page 94 to be exact), this is one of the books I have been privilege to have been published in. The rest of the books my work is in can be found on my Strategic Fathering web site here.
So, what do you have to do to win this puppy….Hmmmmmm? Well, there’s the standard please tweet this free book giveaway gig, that would be good and if you tweet a few times, ever better! However, that is just too easy for such a epic as this.
What will really sway me will be the person who leaves the best comment over the weekend into Monday, July 5th. Tell me why you want this book, why you neeed this book! I won’t be the only judge, I’m letting my family weigh in on this momentous occasion and boy, are they tough! Wads of money or bags of Cheetos won’t cut it…only the best comment will ultimately win. I’ll announce the winner Tuesday, July 6th!
The contest is on…are you in?
Thanks for weighing in bro'